Click on the image above to see this amazing website that will resource you in partnering to end prostitution in Canada.
Below are my notes from a seminar that Glendyne Gerrard, the director of Women’s Ministry in the Mid West District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance.
- Prostitution is violence against women
- Prostitutes start young
- 84% of prostitutes have been sexually abused as children
- Being abused seems to be a training ground for prostitution
- First nations women are at the greatest risk in our country of being prostituted
- 400 children were sexually exploited on the streets of Winnipeg last year
- The youngest victim was 11
- 84% of these children were aboriginal
- Poverty is the number 1 reason women are forced into prostitution.
- Abolition of prostitution is possible in our country!
- Sweden demands to abolish prostitution
- They decriminalized prostitution, but criminalized those who were buying prostitutes
- They believed that if there was no demand, then this would get rid of prostitution
- Decriminalization meant that the women were seen as victims instead of criminals
- So millions were put into drug detox centres and rehabilitation centres
- School curriculums were developed to train people of the value and dignity of all women
- What were the results?
- After one year, prostitution dropped by 60% in Stockholm alone, and women were no longer traffiked into the country
- We should present this as a viable option in Canada!!!
“Having heard all this you can choose to look the other way, but you can never say that you never knew.” William Wilberforce
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