Worship is not about a powerless people coming together to sing. Worship is dangerous because it is the children of God coming together, in the name of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to proclaim the praises of the high king of the universe. As a result, when individuals worship, they are submitting themselves completely to God. It is not to gain anything or to coerce God to give them something. However, while humans relinquish their agenda, their will, and their power, they actually exchange that for the heart of God and the power of God. Thus, the power of God is proclaimed and unleashed into this universe (spiritual and physical) through the words, prayers, and actions of the worshiper. As a result, worship is not just humans singing, but it’s spiritual warfare.
What is your definition of worship?
I look at worship as a state of being.
It’s Losing myself in the moment, and as you said, submitting completely to Him. The transition of the heart from being concerned with the things of this world to being concerned with what God wants you to know. He Loves you, and He wants you to surrender to that truth.
This transition causes an aching inside that I think is similar to the feeling you get when The Holy Spirit convicts your heart and you are transformed because of it. It can bring you to tears.
Why is it the same? For me at least, I think it’s beacause often we still separate the things we do that are “God related” and the things we do that are “world related”. For example how we view the difference between working in a secular job and singing worship songs to God on Sundays. However, if we allow God to be glorified in our work, just as much as on Sunday, then I think the aching in our hearts would be less. Imagine if we set out to do everything to glorify God. Every breath, every moment of every day, when we relate to our spouses, to our freinds, when we do the dishes, allowing the Holy Spirit to flow through our movements, so that our whole being is in a state of perpetual worship to our ALMIGHTY GOD.
That is why corporate worship is so important. Just imagine how many strongholds are torn down by the power of The Holy Spirit. From one person to the next in a room or church, where everyone is in a process of submission. My worship encourages yours, and yours encourages the next person, and slowly the Holy Spirit is left to move freely over our minds, and loosen the chains that bind us, only to leave us more complete in Him. I am brought to tears when I see another brought to tears, I am moved when I hear the voice of another singing out of love to our Father.
Imagine if that moved from the sanctuary to the street, and from the street to the park, and from the park to town hall, and from the town hall to a Nation, I think, we would see Heaven come down, and His Kingdom established here on His earth!
Thank you Daniel for the time of reflection.
Amen Bro! AMEN!
i do look at worship as a form of spiritual warfare.
Psalm 8:2
Through the praise of children and infants
you have established a stronghold against your enemies,
to silence the foe and the avenger.
and in 2 Chronicles 20, God tells Jehoshaphat that the battle is not his, but to go out in the morning and take his place on the battle field. Jehoshaphat obeys and sends his worshippers. They go out singing
“Give thanks to the LORD,
for his love endures forever.”
Upon their praises, the enemy is confused and destroys each other.
The battle wasn’t his, but he still had to take a stand.
Because of Psalm 8:2, I belive that 2 Chron 20 is an example of a physical battle, that can be applied to the spiritual realm.
I personally find God encouraging me, possibly even yelling at me, to worship Him when the spiritual warfare gets overwhelming for me. It’s amazing how quickly the fear and anxiety dissipate when my mouth, heart and head all start worshipping His name.
Very deep thoughts Sarah! I really appreciate them. Time and time again I’ve realized just how powerful worship is in a time of spiritual warfare.