Faith is such a lofty word and it’s hard to imagine what a life of faith would look like.
The following is a description of my mental image of faith…
Imagine a cliff – high up, isolated, dusty, and majestic.
The wind is blowing and the clouds are within arms reach.
You walk to the edge and you hear the frightening yet soothing sound of wind.
You then take a few steps back and you begin running full speed towards the edge.
As you draw closer to the edge of cliff, you are trusting that God will catch you because…
“Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1)
You are sure that God will catch you even though you might not see him over the cliff.
That’s faith. And faith is freedom.
Let me end by quoting my beautiful and insightful wife:
“What’s so wrong with being afraid when you know you are in the embrace of the one who created the universe?”
I love that. Faith is freedom.
It kind of KO’s our tradition views of both faith and freedom.
Faith is just knowledge. Just a confession. Freedom is essentially political.
NO! Faith is trust, and true freedom is in absolute trust of God. Getting rid of all anxiety and living and choosing completely under God.
That’s awesome.
So often we live next to the cliff, but will never jump off.
Right on Isaiah.
So if we live so often next to the cliff and never jump off…how can we encourage fellow followers of Christ to jump off the cliff?